Saturday, March 17, 2012

rapunzel (tangled)


if i could be anyone else, i'd be ...

rapunzel from tangled. i'm specifying the disney version for a few reasons.

  1. the ending is way happier than the brothers grimm
  2. she's a missing princess rather than a random local girl
  3. she has a cute little chameleon sidekick
  4. she uses a frying pan as a weapon (you know you've always wanted to)
  5. she ends up with the hottest disney man, flynn rider a.k.a. eugene fitzherbert a.k.a. zachary levi <swoon>
she's a bit of a stretch for me appearance wise, all that hair, there's not a blowdryer strong enough. looking back at pictures of myself in high school, i can't believe my hair was so long. now if it's 1/4 inch too long i'm putting it in a bun because i just can't stand it. i'd probably feel differently if it glowed and had healing powers, goodbye cracked heels for life! she's a ridiculously talented artist, especially when you consider she's totally self taught. she can sing, a talent i only posses when the music is loud enough to drown me out. she gets to live in a tower.

i realize she is technically imprisoned in the tower, but i feel it's more a prison of her own making. her blind faith in all her mother tells her, mostly that people are evil, and lack of rebellion are what keep her locked away. the window is always open and she knows how to use her hair as a pulley so, get going girl!

after a bumbled breaking and entering attempt by the handsome flynn rider, rapunzel decides the time has come to go out into that scary world in search of something she's always wanted. at first the goal is simply to go see the floating lights that occur each year on her birthday, but along the way it becomes a journey to find her self and a place in the world.

i think what i admire most is her openness to new experiences, once she finally commits to leaving the tower of course. growing up in the south, a land of many "traditions," it is hard sometimes to determine what is a genuine tradition and what is simply the way things have always been done and could do with some changing. the current political climate is so polarized,  i want to scream "hey y'all, watch this." i want to lock every american in a cinema and force them to watch tangled.

it's a story about a sheltered girl who had never met anyone outside her own home, she ventured out on her own, met new people, gave them a chance, learned new things about herself and she ended up with a decidedly better life than the one she had beofre. that is, after all, the american dream; making a life for yourself that is better than what your parents had.

so grab your frying pan and favorite color-changing lizard, step out into that big, colorful world and try something new. go all rapunzel on the world!

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